Athlone Institute of Technology
Programmes at Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) have been introduced and developed in line with changing international needs. Emphasis on research activities and liaison with industrial and commercial organisations has helped to ensure the relevance and technological competence of courses at the institute, and has enhanced the employment prospects of graduates over the years.
AIT currently has students from over 60 countries who are made feel like a home away from home in a welcoming and state of the art campus in the heart of Ireland.
Experience modern facilities and be taught by academic staff who are experts in their field many of who have extensive industry experience. By studying in AIT, you will gain the experience to help you succeed in your chosen career.
Services for International Students
The University has a fostering and inclusive culture. It is a recipient of the AS Bronze award given for outstanding practice of recruiting and retaining women in higher education in science, technology, engineering, math and medicine (STEMM). The Student Union is active and there are various clubs and societies including drama, dancing, film and computers.
Athlone offers all types of accommodation including apartment complexes, private houses and homestay; available with the assistance of the Students’ Union. There are excellent transport links on road, private coaches and regular trains to Dublin.
Athlone is known as one of Ireland’s most vibrant towns. The town has two shopping centers, clubs, theatres, art centers and yearly drama festivals. The river Shannon sails and cruises are very popular and unique to the location.
Advanced Certificate Craft Apprenticeships
Advanced Certificate Heavy Vehicle Mechanics
Advanced Certificate Motor Mechanic Apprenticeship
Advanced Certificate Plumbing
Applied Psychology
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Animation and Illustration
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) B.A. Hons Hospitality Management (with International Placement)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Entrepreneurship (add-on)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Early Years Care and Education
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Early Years’ Education
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Graphic Design
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Social Care Practice
Bachelor of Arts Applied Social Studies in Social Care
Bachelor of Arts Applied Social Studies in Social Care (3 Years)
Bachelor of Arts BA Culinary Arts Practice (Springboard)
Bachelor of Arts Culinary Arts
Bachelor of Arts Early Years Care and Education
Bachelor of Arts Graphic Design
Bachelor of Arts Hotel and Leisure Management
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Social Care (Part Time)
Bachelor of Business (Honours) B.B. Hons Sport Management (with international placement)
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Business
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Business (4 Years)
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Digital Marketing
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Management in Tourism and Sport
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Tourism and Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Business (Hons) Business and Law
Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Digital Marketing
Bachelor of Business Business
Bachelor of Business in Business
Bachelor of Business International Business Management
Bachelor of Business Sport Management
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Civil Engineering (4 Years)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Computer Engineering for Autonomous Systems
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Manufacturing Technology
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Software Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering Automation & Robotics
Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical & Polymer Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering Computer Engineering (3 Years)
Bachelor of Engineering ICT Engineering: (Computer Engineering or Network Management or Electronic Communications)
Bachelor of Engineering Mechanical Common Year
Bachelor of Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy
Bachelor of Engineering Music and Sound Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Athletic & Rehabilitation Therapy
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc (Hons) in Software Design with Cloud Computing
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc (Hons) in Software Design with Mobile Apps and Connected Devices
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc (Hons) in Software Design with Virtual Reality and Gaming
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) in Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) in Biotechnology (4 Years)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) in Bioveterinary Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) in Microbiology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) in Pharmaceutical Sciences (4 Years)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Energy and Business Management
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Network Management and Cloud Infrastructure
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Nursing in General Nursing
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Nursing in Psychiatric Nursing
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Nutrition and Health Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physical Activity and Health Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Quantity Surveying
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Sports Science with Exercise Physiology
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Pharmacology
Bachelor of Science BSc in Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science BSc in Biotechnology (3 Years)
Bachelor of Science BSc in Environmental Health & Safety Management
Bachelor of Science BSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Drug Development and Analysis)
Bachelor of Science BSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Drug Development and Analysis) (3 Years)
Bachelor of Science BSc in Veterinary Nursing
Bachelor of Science Business Information Systems
Bachelor of Science Dental Practice Management with Oral Health Promotion
Bachelor of Science Digital Construction Management
Bachelor of Science Exercise and Health Science
Bachelor of Science in Dental Practice Management with Oral Health Promotion (Part-Time)
Bachelor of Science Network Management
Bachelor of Science Pharmacy Technician
Bachelor of Science Polymer Processing Technology (Apprenticeship)
Bachelor of Science Software Design (Mobile Apps and Connected Devices)
Bachelor of Science Software Design with Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing
Bachelor of Science Software Design with Virtual Reality and Gaming
Certificate in Culinary Skills (Springboard)
Certificate in End of Life Care
Certificate in Food and Beverage Operations
Certificate in Fundamentals of Mindfulness in Primary Schools
Certificate in Gerontological Nursing
Certificate in Operational Security and Crime Risk Management
Certificate in Science Certificate in Child Protection and Welfare
Certificate in Science Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Care
Energy Infrastructure
Graphic & Digital Design Add-on
Higher Certificate in Arts Bar Supervision
Higher Certificate in Arts Business, Enterprise and Community Development
Higher Certificate in Arts Culinary Arts
Higher Certificate in Arts in Culinary Arts (Part Time) – available for first or 2nd year entry
Higher Certificate in Business Business
Higher Certificate in Business Sport and Recreation
Higher Certificate in Engineering Computer Engineering
Higher Certificate in Engineering Music & Instrument Technology
Higher Certificate in Engineering Software Design
Higher Certificate in Science Dental Nursing
Higher Certificate in Science HC in Applied Science
Higher Certificate in Science Pharmacy Technician
Higher Diploma Business
Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics (Springboard/online)
Higher Diploma in Science in Software Development (Cloud Application Development)
Higher Diploma in Science in Software Development (Cloud Application Development) (Part Time)
Higher Diploma in Science in Software Development | Cloud Application Development (Springboard)
SPA Construction Management (Springboard)
Special Purpose Award in Robotics and Automation
Special Purpose Award of Access Programme Preparatory Programme for Third Level Education
Master of Arts in Accounting
Master of Arts/Post Graduate Diploma Advanced Social Care Practice
Master of Science in Environmental, Health and Safety Management
Masters of Arts Child & Youth Studies
Masters of Business
Masters of Science Software Engineering
MSc/PgD in Biopharmaceutical Technology
Postgraduate Certificate in Blockchain Security (Springboard)
Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing in Leadership and Quality Healthcare
Postgraduate Diploma Environmental Infrastructure
Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Polymer Materials (Springboard)
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing in Leadership and Quality Healthcare